Dreaming of owning your own small business? You’re not alone. Millions of individuals want to take the leap to small business ownership.

With past stories of positive outcomes, small business ownership might seem to be the right path for you.

The decision of wanting to be your own boss may be a personal one. The choice to go ahead with the plan of small business ownership should begin with basic research and knowledge. Without any type of business training, the decision to pursue your dream can seem overwhelming.

In many cases, the idea never leaves the initial stages. Do not allow this to happen to you.

Investing in one of the top 100 franchise businesses may be the perfect way to make your dream a reality. A franchise will allow you to experience small business ownership with the benefits of a well-known brand.

In many cases, a top 100 franchise is already a recognizable household name. Owning a franchise will give you a chance to participate in a life-changing venture.

The Basics of Top 100 Franchise Ownership

When you open a franchise, such as Fully Promoted, you’re given a license to run a business. The franchisor sells you the license as part of the ownership agreement. With the license, you are given the opportunity to be part of the larger business network.

The decision to purchase a top 100 franchise allows you numerous advantages over starting your own small business. Even though there are never any guarantees in business, franchise ownership provides a proven business model.

A Familiar Name

Purchasing a franchise allows you to sell items under a specific brand and logo. With a recognizable brand, customers will automatically know the type of products to expect from your small business.

The name actually provides you with a head start in producing revenue for your business. The brand name and logo may be part of a nationwide or worldwide marketing campaign, leading to widespread exposure.

Support Network

Purchasing a franchise gains you an instant support network. The support network is an ongoing part of franchise ownership.

In many cases, the support begins prior to opening your physical location. The franchisor will work with you to find the best location for your new franchise.

In addition, the ongoing support network will provide you valuable information regarding owning a small business. The information is vital, especially to those individuals with little or no business experience. You’ll receive:

  • Formal management and employee training methods
  • Continuous training through workshops, conferences or online opportunities
  • Proven business model
  • Grand opening program to help attract customers
  • Chance to participate in regional or national advertising campaigns
  • Ability to purchase in bulk with other franchise locations


Securing financing for a top 100 franchise may be easier than a traditional start-up. Financial lending institutions may be more willing to loan money for a franchise with a proven track record. Under some circumstances, a franchisor will work with a potential new owner to secure financing to expand locations.

In many cases, one of the best aspects of owning a top 100 franchise is the established reputation of the business. Begin by researching various franchises to find the best one for you to own and operate. With hard work, quality customer service and time management, participating in franchise ownership may be the best choice for you.

Interested in learning how you can become a franchisee of a top 100 franchise such as Fully Promoted? Then visit our website today!

10 Steps to Opening the Franchise of Your Dreams